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Three years ago, I was at an incredibly difficult point in my life. I was working full time at a job I didn’t enjoy (ok, I pretty much hated it), struggling with debilitating back pain and coming home stressed and crying every single night. I was literally on the verge of breaking.

I knew in my heart that what I was doing at the time wasn’t going to be a long term gig — I simply couldn’t imagine going on that way for the rest of my life. It’s not that the work I was doing wasn’t worthwhile, it’s just that I knew my soul was calling for more than that job was ever going to offer me.

I spent months in anguish, working up the courage to follow my heart and questioning myself on what I knew deep down to be true. Luckily, I hit a massive breaking point. My work situation became so unbearable that I had no choice but to take action despite the fear of moving forward into the unknown. So I gave my boss my notice and with that one step opened up a whole new world of possibility for myself. In that moment, an enormous weight lifted off of me and I felt so incredibly free. The release I felt wasn’t because I was free of my job per se (although that was certainly a bonus 🙂 ), it was a result of the fact that I had finally stopped ignoring what my soul was telling me.


Your soul is calling to you all the time. You know the tiny little tugs and nudges you feel urging you to do what you know deep in your heart you’re meant to do? Yep, that’s it — your inner self pointing you in the direction of your soul’s true calling. You can choose to ignore the tugs and nudges if you want, but I don’t recommend it. Because the nudges? They don’t go away. They persist and morph and mature until they’re expressed as anxiety, depression, physical pain or worse. Or  you can take the more radical and freeing approach and choose to listen and follow along with what your soul is calling you to do.

Here’s the thing: until you make the choice to listen to your soul’s calling, you will always feel anxious, dissatisfied or unsettled in some way. You will never feel like you’re living up to your full potential. Because you’re not. I say this not to be harsh, but because it is my deep, deep desire to see you to follow the little nudges of your soul and experience your full potential. I want you to help you unleash your authentic self and express what you came into this world to express. That is my mission and my wish for you.

So, tell me: What is your soul calling you to do? I’d love for you to share in the comments below!




PS – If you’re looking for someone to help keep you accountable on your soul’s path, I currently have two spots available for private coaching. Email me and I’ll get you all the details. <3

xo Kristi

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